Key considerations for establishing a calm room or quiet space within your setting.
Resource Tag Archives
Staff Meeting in a Box: Sensory Circuits
How to plan, resource and implement effective sensory circuits to support regulation.
Getting it Right with Sensory Circuits
How to structure sensory circuits effectively for maximum impact in your setting.
Sensory Circuits and Sensory Breaks in Schools | Dave Smallwood
Join Clare and Dave as they discuss how to use sensory circuits and sensory breaks in schools.
Sensory Circuits Guide
A handy guide to planning, resourcing and implementing sensory circuits in your setting.
How Can We Create Calming Spaces in Schools? Part 2 | Kat Booker
Kat Booker shares practical tips and discusses the importance of looking at spaces ‘through the eyes of a child’.
How Can We Create Calming Spaces in Schools? | Kat Booker
Clare and Dave talk to Kat Booker about creating calming spaces in schools to support emotional regulation.
Behaviour Scenario: Student Struggles With Lesson
Decide what is likely to happen next and opportunities to do things differently to de-escalate difficult situations.