Strategies to help students settle back into school life after a break or holiday.
Resource Tag Archives
Early Years Behaviour Activities Planning Template
Editable framework for practitioners to support young children as they join their early years setting.
Practical Ideas to Help Individuals Prepare for Change
How preparing individuals for change can help alleviate feelings of anxiety and stress.
Sensory Circuits and Sensory Breaks in Schools | Dave Smallwood
Join Clare and Dave as they discuss how to use sensory circuits and sensory breaks in schools.
Webinar Recording: Supporting Young Children to Become ‘School Ready’
In this webinar recording, we explore how we can best support children to be ready to start school.
Supporting School Transitions: A Guide for Teachers, Parents and Carers
Strategies for teachers, parents, and carers to help alleviate anxiety around school transitions.
School Transition Booklet Templates: Primary & Secondary
Editable school transition booklet templates for primary and secondary students.